Follow Your Dreams, Fulfil Your Passion!

If you can imagine it, we can make it happen. At HKUST, we offer a flexible curriculum that allows you to choose any combination of programs towards your degree. You can even create your own major as the foundation on which to build a rewarding and fulfilling career.

Newton Louey

HKUST has provided me a chance to explore all possibilities of studying different fields of my major, including extended major in AI! AI is one of the new trends nowadays, and I am sure this major will give me a great advantage in my future career.

Newton Louey
BEng in Decision Analytics with an Extended Major in AI, Class of 2025
Chengkun Ma

School-based admission allows us to choose our major after a year of exploration. I am able to find my ultimate passion and make the best decision for my future.

Chengkun Ma
BSc in Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Class of 2022
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