HKUST participates in Hong Kong’s Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS). Through JUPAS, HKUST admits local students taking the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) examination. Eligible local HKDSE students interested in studying at HKUST should submit their applications to JUPAS in accordance with the relevant timeline.
Non-local HKDSE students should submit their applications through our Online Application System as students with International Qualifications.
2025 Entry Requirements
JUPAS applicants applying to HKUST are expected to satisfy the University’s general admissions requirements of four core subjects and two elective subjects with minimum attainment levels of “332A33”, and specific requirements set out by individual Schools or programs on subjects and subject attainment levels (if any).
332A33 |
Non-Chinese speaking (NCS) students may use an alternative Chinese subject, an HKDSE Other Language subject, or an HKDSE Applied Learning Chinese subject to satisfy the University’s Chinese language requirement.
+ “Attained” in Citizenship and Social Development will not be included in the admissions score calculation, which will only require 5 subject scores.
# Score 3 / Grade C or above in Category C subject can count as Elective 2 (for some programs).
Each HKUST program uses a specific formula to calculate admissions scores, based on the HKDSE scores of eligible JUPAS applicants. Please click here for the program specific minimum requirements and score formulae of 2024 JUPAS admissions. Information about 2025 JUPAS admissions will be available by October.

Please choose from the list of Your School and/or Program to reveal Admission Requirements & Statistics, JUPAS Score Calculator, and >JUPAS Interview.
and / or
(Please select Your School/Program from above first)
Jupas Score Calculator
HKUST will continue to adopt flexible admissions arrangements for 2025 intake. The University will consider JUPAS applicants who:
- Perform well overall but miss the entrance requirement of 3-3-2 by one level in one HKDSE core subject (Chinese Language, English Language, Mathematics);
- Possess an HKDSE program score that is higher than the median score of the selected program(s) stated in 2024 HKUST JUPAS Admissions Scores; and
- Put the selected HKUST program(s) in Band A JUPAS choice.
The flexible admissions arrangement applies to ALL HKUST programs. For the new programs, as median scores of 2024 HKUST JUPAS Admissions are not available, applicants will be considered if their HKDSE Program scores exceed the reference scores. The reference scores of the new programs will be released soon.
Individual interview notifications will be sent to selected candidates shortly before their interviews. Please check your personal e-mail, your JUPAS Message Box, and your SMS inbox regularly. Please also ensure that the personal e-mail address specified in your JUPAS application is valid.
Interview is compulsory for the following programs: