SAAS Special Admissions Consideration for Local Athletes
Welcome Team Hong Kong Athletes! Join HKUST and explore endless possibilities!
At HKUST, we celebrate diversity and recognize the different talents our students bring to the university community. In support of the newly launched Student-Athlete Learning Support and Admission (SALSA) Scheme by the University Grants Committee that encourages local athletes to pursue undergraduate studies at local universities through sport achievement-based admissions, HKUST has further adjusted our SAAS admissions arrangement.
SAAS applicants would receive special admissions consideration based on their sport achievements. Successful applicants would enjoy scholarships, living allowance, our full support and great flexibility in their study arrangements, allowing them to chase their sporting and academic goals at the same time.

We nurture all student athletes till graduation.
Applicants will receive favorable admissions considerations based on their sports achievements and learning experiences.
Successful applicants may receive multiple offers if they apply to more than one HKUST program choice.
Tuition Scholarships
Up to HK$44,500 per year (Renewable)
Living Allowance
Up to HK$60,000 per year (Renewable)
Student athletes may receive sponsorships for competitions, sports injury prevention and treatment support, and counseling.
To ensure our SAAS student athletes thrive academically, the SAAS advisory committee consisting of faculty members and university administrators oversee the learning progress and address the athletes' individual needs.
To ensure our student athletes thrive academically, both the designated SAAS advisory committee and academic tutors would follow up closely with their learning progress to offer personalized support addressing individual needs, such as extending the study period, study load adjustment, examination rescheduling, and class attendance waiver, etc.
Study period can be extended up to twice the normative program duration, i.e. up to 8 years for the majority of HKUST programs, and up to 10 years for the Dual Degree Program in Technology & Management. Athletes may apply for further extension of study period if necessary.
With the full support from HKUST, SAAS student athletes are accompanied by the SAAS committee every step along the way till graduation, making achievements both in academics and sports.

Applicants will receive favorable admissions considerations based on their sports achievements and learning experiences.
Successful applicants may receive multiple offers if they apply to more than one HKUST program choice.
Tuition Scholarships
Up to HK$44,500 per year (Renewable)
Living Allowance
Up to HK$60,000 per year (Renewable)
Student athletes may receive sponsorships for competitions, sports injury prevention and treatment support, and counseling.
To ensure our SAAS student athletes thrive academically, the SAAS advisory committee consisting of faculty members and university administrators oversee the learning progress and address the athletes' individual needs.
To ensure our student athletes thrive academically, both the designated SAAS advisory committee and academic tutors would follow up closely with their learning progress to offer personalized support addressing individual needs, such as extending the study period, study load adjustment, examination rescheduling, and class attendance waiver, etc.
Study period can be extended up to twice the normative program duration, i.e. up to 8 years for the majority of HKUST programs, and up to 10 years for the Dual Degree Program in Technology & Management. Athletes may apply for further extension of study period if necessary.
With the full support from HKUST, SAAS student athletes are accompanied by the SAAS committee every step along the way till graduation, making achievements both in academics and sports.

Student athletes who meet the following criterion are strongly encouraged to apply for SAAS in the 2025 intake via either JUPAS or Non-JUPAS (for international qualifications or sub-degree holders):

Have the right of abode in Hong Kong, or can show proof from the HKSAR Immigration Department confirming their “local” student status.

SAAS applicants would receive special admissions consideration based on their sport achievements. Applicants not meeting the University’s minimum entrance requirements but possess relevant nomination and recommendation will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Showcase satisfactory sporting performances at local, regional, and international levels, including being at least one of the following:
- Member of Hong Kong, China Delegation
- Hong Kong Junior Squad member
- University Sports Federation of Hong Kong member
- Hong Kong Schools of Sports Federation member

Recommended by the Hong Kong Sports Institute (HKSI) / renowned sports clubs / Sports Associations, and last attended school.
Generally speaking, HKUST SAAS considers all sports achievements and records within 2 years backdating from the time of application. Student athletes who have paused sports development in their graduating year are equally welcome to apply.
However, given that most if not all competitions were hindered by the pandemic for some time already, HKUST SAAS is now considering sports achievements and records within the most recent 3 years and more by discretion.
HKUST SAAS considers all kinds of sports. ALL student athletes with good sporting achievements, locally or internationally, are eligible and encouraged to apply.
HKUST SAAS does NOT set any quota on the types of sports, school/program for application, gender, or admissions curriculum (JUPAS and Non-JUPAS) and so forth. HKUST, as always, take in whomever meets the standards.
Whether it is a team sport or an individual sport, ALL competent student athletes will be considered on the same ground.
Successful SAAS candidates will receive admissions and scholarship offers from HKUST before the HKDSE result release date.
Every HKUST program choice among all 20 JUPAS choices of a successful SAAS candidate might be matched with a special admissions offer, regardless of its band position before HKDSE results release. However, the HKUST SAAS special admissions offers are only effective if they end up in Band A of the candidate’s final program choices, so successful SAAS applicants shall pay extra attention to their Band A final decisions.
In addition, if an SAAS candidate applies to any HKUST program which requires an admissions interview, please put such HKUST program in a Band A position to earn the interview invitation. For details, please see HKUST JUPAS Admissions Information.
If a Non-JUPAS student athlete has already submitted the general admissions application, HKUST still welcomes and encourages the applicant to submit an application for SAAS by the application deadline on 31 Mar 2022 to receive favorable admissions considerations. If a student succeeds in his/her SAAS application, HKUST may revise the admission offer(s) and scholarship arrangement.
Yes, since your admission application and SAAS application will be reviewed by different parties, it is to your benefits to include your sports achievements in both of your application profiles.
All shortlisted applicants will be invited for an interview. Successful applicants will receive one or multiple conditional offer(s) before the result release date of their public examinations. Those who already had final public examination results will receive an official offer(s).
However, please do not confuse the SAAS interview with the admissions interview, which is held for all applicants in general. If you are being invited to both interviews at different dates and times, please do attend both for your benefit. For the types of academic programs that require admissions interviews mandatorily, please visit our admissions website.
Through the SAAS interview, the panel aims to understand the applicants’ personality, sporting and academic goals and competence, and, if applicable, to clarify any unclear information in the application.
Want to discuss your future? We are happy to answer any enquiry about SAAS and studying at HKUST.
Undergraduate Recruitment and Admissions Office, HKUST
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon,
Hong Kong