Local and international applicants with post-secondary qualifications may apply for admissions to HKUST. These applicants include the following:
i. current students or graduates of an associate degree (AD) or a higher diploma (HD) program at a Hong Kong institution;
ii. students from abroad who wish to study in Hong Kong or Asia, with an associate degree, sub-degree, or higher diploma; and
iii. transfer students from local or overseas bachelor’s degree programs from other universities.
Currently, there are 158 places designated as articulation opportunities for local AD and HD graduates. Students admitted will be granted a credit transfer that enables them to be admitted directly to the senior year of an individual program.
Other applicants will be considered for credit transfer on a case-by-case basis. The year of entry will depend on the number of credits granted.

For a comprehensive list of major programs that accept first-year or senior-year applications,
please consult the Application Guide.

Completion of an associate degree at a post-secondary institution recognized by HKUST
Completion of a higher diploma program at a post-secondary institution recognized by HKUST
Transfer from a local or overseas degree program
(A GPA of B+ or 80% is normally expected.)