Besides the four-year programs, HKUST offers the following opportunities for students to study at HKUST for a short period of time.
Undergraduate Visiting Internship Students (Research Only)
- Undergraduate students from institutions outside Hong Kong who wish to spend one to six months at HKUST to fulfill their directed research or internship assignment, which is part of their normal program of study at their home institution, may apply for admissions to HKUST as Undergraduate Visiting Internship Student (UGVIS). As a full-time student of HKUST, they would enroll in a special one-credit project course. They would neither be allowed to register for any other courses nor enroll in any specific programs.
Undergraduate Visiting Students (Coursework Only)
- Alternatively, undergraduate students from institutions outside Hong Kong wishing to take taught undergraduate courses at HKUST on a short-term basis may seek enrolment as Undergraduate Visiting Student (UGVS).
Application Link

UG Visiting Student
UG Visiting Intern
Visiting Student
- Currently be a registered undergraduate student at a recognized tertiary institution outside Hong Kong; AND
- Have an educational background deemed satisfactory by the host department which accepts him/her as a visiting student; AND
- Have the “Support from Home University/Institution” form signed by home institution to register at HKUST as a visiting student; AND
- Meet HKUST’s English Language Admission Requirement shown below if not studying at an English medium institution.
Visiting Intern
- Currently be a registered undergraduate student at a recognized tertiary institution outside Hong Kong; AND
- Have an educational background and educational standard in the English language deemed satisfactory by the host department which accepts him/her as an UG Visiting Intern; AND
- Have the “Support from Home University/Institution” form signed by home institution to register at HKUST as an UG Visiting Intern; AND
- Obtain the agreement from an HKUST faculty member of your interested Department/Division before submitting an application.
English Language Requirement
UG Visiting Student: Fall Term enrollment
UG Visiting Student: Spring Term enrollment
UG Visiting Intern
Module Reference
Apply online
Submit an online application at least 3 months in advance.
Receive application result
Application outcome will be announced within one month after the submission of a full application.
Apply for Student Visa
Submission of visa application package (Applicable to non-local students only)
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