Civil engineering concerns the planning, design, construction, maintenance, and management of various types of smart and green infrastructure systems. Examples include buildings, bridges, roads, railways, tunnels, airports, harbor facilities, slopes, dams, landfills, water pipes, water and sewage treatment plants, power lines, gas mains, and various other structures. In short, civil engineers embrace emerging technologies to find sustainable solutions for constructing safe infrastructure of modern civilization.
The aim of our civil engineering program is to equip students with the technical skills, relevant emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics, intellectual ambition, innovative thinking and sense of social responsibility needed to (i) build infrastructure systems locally and worldwide, and (ii) maintain a safe, clean and sustainable environment.
Internship training, industrial training, final-year project and capstone design project are included in our innovative and balanced curriculum. Internship training gives students opportunities to gain professional experience and apply theories to real-life situations.
Graduates of the BEng in Civil Engineering program have opportunities to excel in positions in a wide range of sectors, such as the government, engineering consulting, and construction. The civil engineering education provided by the program also gives graduates a good foundation to pursue careers as middle- to top-level managers and sales/technical representatives in a wide range of businesses.