Sub Title

School of Science


Science (Group A) with an Extended Major in Artificial Intelligence

BSc in Mathematics with an Extended Major in Artificial Intelligence

BSc in Physics with an Extended Major in Artificial Intelligence

BSc in Ocean Science and Technology with an Extended Major in Artificial Intelligence
Jupas code
JS5181 Science (Group A) with an Extended Major in Artificial Intelligence
Application Choice(s)
Application Choice
Science (Group A) with an Extended Major in Artificial Intelligence
Students who have developed clear interests in both Physical Sciences and Artificial Intelligence may apply. They can opt to major in either one of Mathematics/Physics/Ocean Science and Technology with an Extended Major in Artificial Intelligence upon completion of the first year of study.
Science (Group A)
Science (Group A) program is a School-based program for students who are interested in the field of Physical Science.

In the first year of study, students will take the Science Foundation courses as well as some of the language, elective and/or general education courses. Upon completion of the first year, students can opt to declare in one of the major programs for Science (Group A), or one of the three programs with an Extended Major in Artificial Intelligence.

Science (Group A) with an Extended Major in Artificial Intelligence (SSCI-A (AI)) is designed for science students who want to learn solid knowledge in Science disciplines PLUS innovative applications of AI in their major areas. 

The world is changing fast, artificial intelligence (AI) has come to define society today in ways we never anticipated. The knowledge of AI can be a perfect supplement to science subjects, which requires a solid mathematical sense and relevant tools to achieve synergy.

The pioneering SSCI-A (AI) program is designed to prepare our students for opportunities and challenges. The curriculum is cross-disciplinary and practical. Students will learn solid knowledge in one of the three relevant major science subjects PLUS innovative application of AI in their major areas. In addition, students will gain cross-disciplinary problem-solving skills and professional insights through a Design Thinking course and Professional Seminars in AI. The Capstone Project+, with strong AI components and sponsorship from the industry, enables students to practice AI applications on real-world problems.

Students should expect to take approximately one additional course per term throughout four years. Upon satisfactory completion, students will be awarded a “BSc in (Mathematics / Physics / Ocean Science and Technology) with an Extended Major in Artificial Intelligence”.

Career Prospects

The knowledge of AI, together with cross-disciplinary problem-solving skills, will provide students with an additional competitive edge in the job market. Students will enjoy career opportunities relevant to their majors plus the opportunities in the latest industry and business developed from AI. Careers include Machine Learning Modelers / Consultants, AI Associates in bank, Deep Learning Scientist, Data Analysts, AI Algorithm Engineer, Environmental Consultants, etc.

Module Reference
Module Reference
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