Sub Title

School of Science


BSc in Mathematics

BSc in Mathematics
Jupas code
JS5102 Science (Group A)
Application Choice(s)
Application Choice
Science (Group A)
Science (Group A) program is a School-based program for students who are interested in the field of Physical Science.

In the first year of study, students will take the Science Foundation courses as well as some of the language, elective and/or general education courses. Upon completion of the first year, students can opt to declare Mathematics as their major.

Mathematics permeates almost every discipline of science and technology. It is not only a tool for understanding the abstract models of real-world phenomena while solving practical problems, but it is also the language of commerce, engineering and other sciences such as biology, physics and computing. 

Program Highlights 

The BSc in Mathematics program is unique among all universities in the territory. It offers seven tracks: 

  • Applied Mathematics Track
  • Computer Science Track
  • Financial and Actuarial Mathematics Track
  • General Mathematics Track
  • Pure Mathematics Track
  • Pure Mathematics (Advanced) Track*
  • Statistics Track

*The Pure Mathematics (Advanced) Track is specially designed for mathematically gifted students. Students in this track will study a series of mathematics courses at a deeper level, which better prepare the students to pursue postgraduate studies.

Extended Major Options

MATH students can opt for an Extended Major in Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Digital Media and Creative Arts (DMCA). Extended Major is not a standalone major, but is adhered to a certain majors as expanded choices, enabling students to keep abreast of emerging technology and innovation that are shaping our society in a multi-faceted way. 

On top of expertise in mathematics, the MATH students with an Extended Major will acquire multidimensional visions and knowledge of emerging technologies (AI or DMCA), and can apply innovative technological skills to solve real-world problems in the area of their expertise. Upon fulfillment of the curriculum requirement, the students will be awarded one of the following degrees:

  • BSc in Mathematics with an Extended Major in Artificial Intelligence
  • BSc in Mathematics with an Extended Major in Digital Media and Creative Arts

#43 in Statistics and Operational Research (No.1 in Hong Kong) 
#47 in Mathematics (No.1 in Hong Kong)
(QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024)

Career Prospects

About a quarter of MATH graduates pursue further studies, with a majority of them enrolled in well-known institutions abroad. Another quarter of MATH graduates chooses careers in teaching. The remaining graduates are employed in various business and service sectors, including but not limited to administration and management, computer programming, data analysis, accounting, insurance, marketing, sales, purchasing, banking and finance, and academia.

Module Reference
Dynamic Content Ref
Content Ref Modules
Type of Dynamic Blocks
Student Sharing Reference
“I've had many opportunities ever since HKUST, but one highlight would be the exchange program to the University of Waterloo in Canada. Apart from this, I have joined research projects supervised by computer science and math professors and worked alongside postgraduate students. As a sweet bonus, I got the internships opportunities in Indonesia and Hong Kong. Overall, the math program and the university have given me the tools required for my early career, and I only need to utilize them!”
Student Name
Angeline CANDICE
Student Program
BSc in Mathematics
Class of 2023
Module Reference
Module Reference
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