Learning through experience, Exploring my interests
Recalling my HKUST early days, it was glad to have professors’ support and willingness to share their insight on future development in the industry, enlightened us to think critically and multidimensionally. The academic ambience was the most enjoyable and enriching one I had in my life.
Coming of growth age can be a two-sided experience. At times you might be overwhelmed by different amazing exposures; and other times you are determined to go where your eyes linger. When I start preparing for university studies, I joined the HKUST JUPAS Summer Camp. Many senior students shared the fruitful learning chances they had at the university. A few deeply attractive causes sparked my interest. I couldn’t believe as a first-year student, we can taste world-class research with professors that early, and even travel the globe on exchange. The supporting and engaging learning environment strengthened my will to enroll Engineering at HKUST.
The most demanding university transition would definitely be the academic standard, as most course materials were shifting to specialized disciplines. With the help from seniors, and the curriculum design tailored to study introductory and foundation Engineering knowledge in first year, it makes me know my captivation and capabilities before smoothly transiting to major study. At first, I majored in Aerospace Engineering, gradually, I saw myself more into Mechanical Engineering during study and decided to change my major to it. The academic flexibility offered by the university has given me rooms to explore interest before making up my mind.
As a female Engineering student, I was awarded with the WISE scholarship, and visited the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency on a short-term exchange through the program. We witnessed many cutting-edge research facilities and even met astronauts at an aerospace simulation base on-spot! In addition, thanks to the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP), a group of international students and I worked as a team to follow professors in electronics and computer engineering research. We designed robots that can draw maps automatically. It was an enchanting experience from which I could play full of my strengths, developed new abilities and interests.
Across different overseas exchange and internship experiences, it must count the internship I had in Year 4at General Electric Aviation in Shanghai. The invaluable experiences in this trip have deepened my understanding of scientific research and enhanced my interpersonal and communication skills. I was also inspired to work on my final year project, and my thesis was awarded by the Hong Kong Institute of Engineers. Recalling my HKUST early days, it was glad to have professors’ support and willingness to share their insight on future development in the industry, enlightened us to think critically and multidimensionally. The academic ambience was the most enjoyable and enriching one I had in my life. Now I am having work-study life with my part-time master. Moving forward, I will continue to pursue professional license for a brighter future on my career path.