Understanding yourself, Dwelling in possibilities
A big part of this learning adventure was the chance to step out of my comfort zone. Pushing myself to the edge of limits was how I truly grow. The internship opportunities helped me figure out what I really passionate on and where my strength and skills lay.
For me, life is all about turning opportunities into endless possibilities. There is always a strong quest driving me to explore as much as I could by creating my future path. I know I prefer to explore more than just one discipline. Instead of forever sitting with my dreams, I would love to risk something and chase it. The five-year dual degree in technology and management opens door for me.

A big part of this learning adventure was the chance to step out of my comfort zone. Pushing myself to the edge of limits was how I truly grow. The internship opportunities helped me figure out what I really passionate on and where my strength and skills lay. During my very first internship at a company that tests train communications, I find my high enthusiasm in macro problems solving and advanced diagnostics. This is what made me think about starting a business career.
To explore this possibility to the fullest, I decided to throw myself in at the deep end. I took a semester break out to work full time in a business process management role based in Singapore. Though such experience was completely new to me, it showed me just how many possibilities the business world are out there. Pushing myself further to new heights, I even participated in international business case competitions. This made me even more determined to pursue my career path in business.
Traveling to Singapore was not the only time that I took a leap into the unknown during my time at HKUST. Signing up for exchange trips gave me the chance to see the world. I took a summer study tour in Israel, spent the fall at Sweden’s KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and another summer at the University of Pennsylvania, US. Immersing yourself in new environment with people from different cultures is perhaps uncomfortable at the beginning, it can be a good training to get myself ready for future life in business field.

Now working as a management associate at investment bank, my team mainly “mines” and analyzes data to provide new insights for management. This is a great fit for me. Landing my dream job would not have been possible without the experience, knowledge, and opportunities. Life is whether a daring adventure, or nothing at all, it is all on our hands, so do yours!